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Week 1: Signup

For Week 1, we decided to make our So Play We All topic signup and authentication with a time budget of 4 hours. I originally pushed for more time, but then other concerns ate a couple days, so I’m really glad it was low and I could crank things out the day before.

In the spirit of doing it live, here’s the link to Oaqn live, as ugly as it is now. The homepage cribs from the stock Rails template, but that template doesn’t even carry over to the signup and login pages. But I’m getting ahead of myself when I talk about templates…

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Week 0: Getting Started

Welcome to the development blog for Oaqn, a web game about trading in a dynamic world.

I (Peter Harkins), with Jim Gadrow and Luke Hustscal, am writing a browser-based online game in a few hours per week. We’re going to work on similar topics and critique each others’ games. I can’t speak for them, but I’m going to try to develop out load, blogging, tweeting and otherwise publishing the steps along the way. Our goal for this week was to choose a domain name, set up a blog, and write about our games. [Edit: See So Play We All for full info.]

So let me talk a little about what Oaqn will be.

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